How does a massage work? The truth will surprise you

How does a massage work?

* If you have been massaged before feeling the physiological changes caused by massage

* If you had a massage earlier than massage, then you felt a physiological adjustment due to rubbing.

* If you haven't received a massage beforeā€¦ .. Then you have come for treatment!

* Massage uses traditional massage techniques to move smoothly into a relaxed state that calms and soothes the nervous system. This is called a relaxation reaction.

* Another common reaction that is triggered when getting a massage is called a mechanical reaction.

* This is the effect of applying pressure on soft tissues such as muscles.

* Together, these reactions can have direct or indirect physical and emotional benefits.

What is the relaxation response made by massage therapy?

Massage, caring, safe touch is an invitation to rest. This usually produces a "relaxation response" along with pain relief.

Relaxation is a condition in which the heart and breathing rate slow down, the body begins to relax, the production of stress hormones decreases, blood pressure decreases, and the muscles begin to subconsciously relax and relax.

Relaxation reactions also tend to increase the available levels of serotonin, a chemical that positively affects the brain's emotions and thoughts.

This information is promising, but more research is needed to directly identify the relationship between serotonin levels in the brain and massage.

Another major bonus of the relaxation response is how to combat the physical effects of stress and reduce the associated risks.

* High blood pressure

* insomnia

* Cardiac arrhythmia

* Anxiety

* Continuous fatigue

* Digestive disorders

*Psychological problems

What is the mechanical reaction to massage?

There are two main physical effects of the physical manipulation of the massage.

* Increases blood and lymph circulation in the body to nourish and cleanse cells.

* Relaxation of soft tissues (mostly muscles) soothes and releases nervous tension and deep connective tissue.

Improve blood circulation with massage

Massage improves blood and lymph circulation. For many who sit at their desks for a long time, massage is like a stress-free exercise that moves moisture to nourish and health the body.

Simple and very effective.

Improving circulation can improve the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells.

The efficient functioning of nutrient-rich, happy cells can also remove waste from the body and reduce swelling of soft tissues.

Relaxing Muscles Using Massage

The effect of Massage In Kalyani Nagar is to unconsciously lower the daily tension on the muscles. This reduces painful muscle spasms and irritated nerves.

To better understand this, visualize the hard muscles that compress the nerves around you. When this muscle is relaxed, the nerves are no longer compressed, which makes the function easier.

A happy and relaxed nervous system can more easily communicate messages with the brain, improving the function of muscles and organs. (Elite athletes have understood for thousands of years)

It is amazing how quickly the muscles begin to relax during the massage. Even deeper tissues of the body, such as deep spinal muscles, which are not easily accessible by massage therapists, can be positively affected by the release of the superficial muscle layer.

Long term benefit from massage!

Organs share muscle, bone and neurological and neurological pain pathways. When muscles, bones, or nerves suffer, organs can sometimes reflect pain and dysfunction.

A good example of this is the case of severe back pain in menstrual cramps, which can lead to tension. In this way, massage can improve the symptoms associated with the functioning of organs and muscles.

According to Dr. Thomas, an integrative medical expert, this is a physiological and involuntary change that occurs in the body system. It is these changes that affect our nervous, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and immune systems.

Discuss any problems that may arise with the massage therapist and, together, clarify what you want for the treatment of massage therapy.

During massage, it should always be comfortable to let the massage therapist know whether you want to feel uncomfortable, correct pressure or spend more time in a particular area.

Contrary to popular belief, massage therapists like to receive real-time feedback from their customers because they provide the information they need to actually customize the massage work they do.

Massage therapy sessions are usually between 60 and 90 minutes. During this time, your "occupation" is to concentrate on the Full Body Massage In Kalyani Nagar experience by dissolving stress and knots while the massage therapists stroke is gone. One of the very effective methods when working in soft or especially tight areas is to breathe into painful or tense areas, and then consciously rest during breathing. As if you are relaxing.

Feeling pain during massage sounds crazy, but science has science.

Now that you have a clearer understanding of the benefits that massage therapy can provide and how to make the most of each massage session, all that remains is to find a good massage therapist to work with.

Fortunately, the Ora Regenesis Spa makes it easy to find a certified professional massage therapist near you. find the best one for you!